Always such a treat listening to Greg Olear talk at length. Enjoyed this conversation as a Sunday morning with a cup 'o joe dbl treat. Thank you both💙🩷🩵💛💚🙂
Terrific conversation, thank you! And regarding swearing…they say it helps us tolerate pain better, and that swearing indicates signs of creativity, honesty, and intelligence. I’ll take it 😁
Based on interviews with his brother about Bernie in childhood, I think Bernie has Aspergers Syndrome. I do like him better now than when he was running against our Hillary.
The BC government is supposed to start tolls for US truckers heading to Alaska, and other measures, so they might be more isolated in Northern Exposure.
On our free bus, I mentioned that something was an Obama era project and someone on the bus gave me a startled angry look. We all laughed after he got off the bus. I generally try to stay out until the last bus, because Tanya, the driver, is black and racists won't get on the bus with her, although they do get on Larry's bus. He is mor light skinned than my late eldest brother.
BTW, ChatGPT is racist, doesn't recognize black voices although it recognizes foreign white speaker's speech. Hak Sparks was promoting it and asking everyone to download it. I was showing their summaries to Shari until the trial period ended, and I'm no longer on YT anymore due to Google FRAUD.
Some of the script changes in Casablanca were based on what happened with the Portuguese Consulate in Bordeaux and Toulouse in 1940. Some people that he helped were in the movie., especially the beautiful Yvonne played by Madeleine LeBeau. Her husband was on posters in Paris saying, This is what a Jew looks like.
In 1939 the Czechs wouldn't accept help from communists and other anti-nazis in the Sudetenland. They just wouldn't trust them.
I loved Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror and lent it out to friends. She died February 6, 1989. When Samuel Beckett died 22 December 1989, I thought I'm going into the 1990s without 2 of my favorite authors. I am Molloy. Molloy could stay where he happened to be.
Favorite from The Unnamable: You have to choose between the things not worth mentioning and those even less so,
Tom Petty: Rap is short for crap. There's an excellent video called What Has America Done by Consequence featuring Chuck D from Public Enemy. I highly recommend it.
I had a French teacher from China sophomore year at St Pat's. The other kids knew I spoke French better than him and would ask me for help. BTW, Chicago River turns Green next week.
Always such a treat listening to Greg Olear talk at length. Enjoyed this conversation as a Sunday morning with a cup 'o joe dbl treat. Thank you both💙🩷🩵💛💚🙂
Terrific conversation, thank you! And regarding swearing…they say it helps us tolerate pain better, and that swearing indicates signs of creativity, honesty, and intelligence. I’ll take it 😁
Long video, 2nd comment.
Based on interviews with his brother about Bernie in childhood, I think Bernie has Aspergers Syndrome. I do like him better now than when he was running against our Hillary.
The BC government is supposed to start tolls for US truckers heading to Alaska, and other measures, so they might be more isolated in Northern Exposure.
On our free bus, I mentioned that something was an Obama era project and someone on the bus gave me a startled angry look. We all laughed after he got off the bus. I generally try to stay out until the last bus, because Tanya, the driver, is black and racists won't get on the bus with her, although they do get on Larry's bus. He is mor light skinned than my late eldest brother.
BTW, ChatGPT is racist, doesn't recognize black voices although it recognizes foreign white speaker's speech. Hak Sparks was promoting it and asking everyone to download it. I was showing their summaries to Shari until the trial period ended, and I'm no longer on YT anymore due to Google FRAUD.
Some of the script changes in Casablanca were based on what happened with the Portuguese Consulate in Bordeaux and Toulouse in 1940. Some people that he helped were in the movie., especially the beautiful Yvonne played by Madeleine LeBeau. Her husband was on posters in Paris saying, This is what a Jew looks like.
In 1939 the Czechs wouldn't accept help from communists and other anti-nazis in the Sudetenland. They just wouldn't trust them.
I loved Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror and lent it out to friends. She died February 6, 1989. When Samuel Beckett died 22 December 1989, I thought I'm going into the 1990s without 2 of my favorite authors. I am Molloy. Molloy could stay where he happened to be.
Favorite from The Unnamable: You have to choose between the things not worth mentioning and those even less so,
Tom Petty: Rap is short for crap. There's an excellent video called What Has America Done by Consequence featuring Chuck D from Public Enemy. I highly recommend it.
I had a French teacher from China sophomore year at St Pat's. The other kids knew I spoke French better than him and would ask me for help. BTW, Chicago River turns Green next week.